Oxfam Comments on Second Draft of World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (只有英文版 - 出版刊物 - 中國與發展中國家 - 倡議工作 - 扶貧工作 - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Oxfam Comments on Second Draft of World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (只有英文版

Oxfam welcomes the opportunity to comment on the second draft of the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). The Bank’s safeguards have historically been of great value not just for the Bank but for the many institutions that have adopted similar standards over the years. The Bank is a leader in this field and as such has a responsibility to those most vulnerable and likely to bear the costs of poorly managed development projects, and to create strong safeguards that not only align with the highest of international standards, but to set the bar itself. Oxfam has participated strongly in this third phase of the review through attending consultations in China, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Honduras, Brazil, Belgium and the US, and meeting with representatives from the Bank and governments in several other countries regarding the ESF. We have provided several written submissions to this process since the review began; this document will cover particular comments on our outstanding priority concerns with the second draft of the ESF.
